Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich is a gory B-Movie throwback to the late 80s early 90s Puppet Master films from Full Moon. It is not a reboot …. more an alternate history version of Puppet Masters.
Instead of fighting Nazis like in the other films, Andre Toulon worked with the Nazis. To the point that his home was decked out in Nazi imagery – including an 8 foot swastika.
The puppets all have new looks (I prefer their original looks, but that’s just me). They are not unique. Instead of one Blade, there are numerous iterations of him, Pin Head and the rest. We are missing Jester and Six-Shooter, though.
The gore was excellent and appeared to be practical effects for the most part. Tom Lennon is a surprising lead for this horror movie. There are some deaths that I wish had not happened in the latter half of the movie. One especially since it was meaningless and seemed to be there more for comedy.
The ending does set itself up for a sequel in this new Puppet Master Reality. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get an Original Puppet Master versus New Puppet Master movie down the line.
This is a B-Movie. This is not an Oscar-level movie. Please bear that in mind. I can really only recommend this movie to fans of the original movies.
Starring: Thomas Lennon, Michael Paré, Jenny Pellicer, Nelson Franklin, Barbara Crampton, Charlyne Yi, Udo Kier, , Stephen Brodie, Mary Katherine O’Donnell, John Walpole, Mercedes Cool, Charles “Skeeta” Jenkins
A recently divorced young man discovers a mint condition Blade doll in his deceased brother’s closet and plans to sell the toy at a convention in Oregon celebrating the 30th anniversary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose during the auction when a strange force animates all of the puppets throughout the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree.
Vía Letterboxd – AngryTownsman