Brightburn is not your happy, pg-13 super hero film. We all know the Superman story. The Kents cannot have children. They are gifted from the heavens with a child who grows to become the savior of Man. Yes the Superman story is not subtle in its origins.
Brightburn gives us the Omen twist on that. A couple trying hard to have a child is gifted with a child from the heavens from a glowing red craft. He most definitely does not become mankind’s savior.
Instead, we see a mostly normal child begin to hit puberty and begin to change. Just like the Kents, the Breyer family kept the craft Brandon arrived in in their barn. It begins to glow and affect Brandon in the night. Brandon begins to exhibit powers and abilities beyond the mortal man.
But without the extreme morals of someone brought up by the Kents. A more realistic portrayal of an awkward kid, somewhat picked on who begins to lose touch with regular people. Then embraces being different and being sociopathic to the extreme.
It is made very clear that Brandon has lost almost all traces of human emotions near the end. He is mostly going through the motions feeling superior to everyone.
Do not expect a happy ending.
Brightburn does not shy away from the gore either.
Starring: Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson A. Dunn, Emmie Hunter, Matt Jones, Meredith Hagner, Becky Wahlstrom, Gregory Alan Williams, Annie Humphrey