Powers [Icon]
written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Michael Avon Oeming
This is a wonderful crime comic set in a superpowered world. Walker and Deena are homicide detectives dealing in special cases where super powers are involved. Walker is a former hero, Diamond. Through the series we have learned his history from beginning (literally) to his de-powerment, to his recent repowerment as the Millenium Guard. I highly recommend picking up all the trades for powers – check my amazon store. This is not a title for kids however.

Invincible [Image]
written by Robert Kirkman
This is the absolute best superhero comic being published today. Mark Davis discovers that he has super powers one day. His reaction. “Finally” See, Mark’s father is the world’s number one hero – Omni-man. A visitor from another world. I know, you’re thinking Super-Man. But you couldn’t be more wrong. We follow Mark as he progresses in his hero career. This series is worth picking up single issues and picking up the hardback collections.

Walking Dead [Image]
written by Robert Kirkman
Zombies. I could stop there. This title isn’t so much about zombies as the people who are trying to survive this zombie outbreak. Kirkman makes zero attempts to explain why the zombies are walking the earth. They just are. This is another title nor for kids. Especially after the most recent issue published.

Teen Titans [DC]
written by Geoff Johns
I love this series. The New Teen Titans with Wolfman and Perez got my into DC comics back in the day. Geoff Johns has done a consistent job telling good stories.

Ultimate Spider-Man [Marvel]
written by Brian Michael Bendis, art by Mark Bagley
A Re-telling of Spidey’s life with a modern twist. This is a teenaged Spidey. His identity is not public knowledge. In many ways, just better Spidey stories than in regular continuity.

Honorable Mentions
52 [DC]
This is a weekly comic detailing the year in the DC universe after Infinite Crisis Learn more about Ralph Dibny, the Elongated Man, Steel, Question, etc.
Justice Society of America [DC]
written by Geoff Johns
One issue andthis title has me hooked. If I had had more than one issue to base it on, JSA would probably have bumped someone from my top 5