He’s an Adonis of a dog, 38 lbs. of glowingly handsome manners, a 4-year-old American Staffordshire mix friend who’ll lay his head on your shoulder tenderly, play carefully with your young ones, and come at a run when you call — but never jump on you. “Scooby” is as popular with his dog playgroup as he is with kids, and just as trustworthy; pick him up to hug him and he’ll relax calmly in yours arms, because that’s exactly where he wants to be. See that a flawless family dog’s no myth at all; then make Scooby part of your happy reality.
She’s a 3-year-old Balinese mix beauty queen, set to stride down the runway and right into your heart, and she’s bringing the assets of her breed background with her — her silky, medium-length coat, vivid blue eyes, wedge-shaped head, and her long, slim body, too. Maya’s a rescue-Cat Fancier’s dream, she’s smart (the Balinese is rated highest in intelligence of all long-haired breeds), attentive, and outgoing; a gentle, affectionate friend for your children and an insightful ally for you. Maya’s petite underneath her airy coat, only 8 lbs.; she gets along graciously with other cats, and she keeps a tidy box, befitting her Balinese beauty status. Hear Miss Congeniality purr, she’ll win you in an instant, and you’ll never want to put her down.
The Greenwood Humane Society is a not-for-profit organization committed to the compassionate care and protection of animals.
Their purpose is to give sanctuary to abandoned, abused, and neglected animals, provide education to the public on responsible and humane pet ownership, encourage the public to spay and neuter their pets by providing low cost surgery, and encourage adoptions of those animals placed in their care.
Their adoption center is open Monday through Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm est.
Visit their website at gwdhumanesociety.org to see these and other available pets.
Email: humane@gwdhumanesociety.org
864-942-8775 (Shelter Adoption Area)
864-223-2498 (Spay/Neuter Clinic)