Her wings are not be easy to spot, but after you meet Fairy Princess she will most assuredly soar into your heart. Arriving at the shelter all alone, and heartworm positive, this 2 year old pup was in need of a major transformation. Her magical qualities shined through her struggles and she showed everyone that she was the friendliest Fairy around — adoring other dogs, friendly felines, and people of all ages. Princess wowed all again with her impeccable house manners, politely waiting to be let outdoors to potty. Clean and quiet, this shepherd mix’s short coat is easy to keep clean. Add in her medium frame and this little wonder fits perfectly into castles big and small. Her heartworm treatment almost complete, Fairy Princess is looking ahead to the next chapter in her story. Her happy ending is just waiting to be written by a loving family willing to make her a part of their home!
Plush as the most beloved Teddy Bear, with emerald green eyes and soft padded feet, Dizzy puts forth his best effort to fit perfectly into your heart. He has spent much of his 2 years outside, fending for himself, but this handsome feline has decided the housecat life is the one for him. Dizzy sports a short coat patched with black and white which he keeps spiffy and neat. His kennel stays just as clean and he’s more than happy to share it. Dizzy prefers company and cats, dogs, and people all do the job nicely! His personality reaches its peak when he’s sharing his time with others because toy mice are twice as nice if there is someone else playing along!
The Greenwood Humane Society is a not-for-profit organization committed to the compassionate care and protection of animals.
Their purpose is to give sanctuary to abandoned, abused, and neglected animals, provide education to the public on responsible and humane pet ownership, encourage the public to spay and neuter their pets by providing low cost surgery, and encourage adoptions of those animals placed in their care.
Their adoption center is open Monday through Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm est.
Visit their website at gwdhumanesociety.org to see these and other available pets.
Email: humane@gwdhumanesociety.org
864-942-8775 (Shelter Adoption Area)
864-223-2498 (Spay/Neuter Clinic)