Angel – After the Fall #1 – Weekly Comic Pick

Angel – After the Fall #1 (IDW)

Here we have the story of Angel picking up after the end of season 5. LA has literally been taken to Hell. Angel has convinced the dragon last seen in the final frames from the last episode of the show to be his ally. They are working to round up normal humans and take them to a safe haven. Who runs that safe haven – his son, Connor.

Angel returns to the Wolfram and Hart building and has a dustup with a demon lord. Wesley comes to break it up. Yep Wesley. Just as Lyla was tied to Wolfram and Hart after death, so to is Wesley’s spirit. We have more setup on the current status quo as we see Gunn and his gang taking out demons and freeing their slaves. After clearing out the demons, they promptly turn on the grateful humans and feed on them. Turns out, they are vampires – even Gunn. (more…)