Avengers: Infinity War brings together the world we were introduced to in 2008 with Iron Man.
Characters from all but one movie are weaved in and out of the story. We get some funny. Some sad. Some angering. Some real sad.
If you have read the Infinity Gauntlet story, you have an idea where this story is headed.
I cannot stress enough that you should watch this in the theater.
I have watched this two times so far and the emotional beats hit me both times.
Watching Dr. Strange interact with Iron Man and Spider-Manwas a high light. But the true team-up to end all team-ups: Thor, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot (teenage version).
Avengers: Infinity War is a long movie. And it is weaving several simultaneous story beats. From a fight in Wakanda to one on Titan to Knowhere. But none of the story elements drag on or are shorted. And all are needed for plot.
There is only one post-credit scene at the end of a very long list of contributors. It is not essential, but a nice easter egg for a future movie.
I am amazed that Marvel Studios has been able to create a series of movies tied to each other with various themes that work together as well as they do. Not all of their movies have been huge hits (Iron Man 2, Thor 2 – imo) But they have all had a certain level of quality. This may have come at the expense of some directors’ creativity, but Marvel Studios has not let me down yet.
Starring: … Practically everyone from previous MCU movies. Check out IMDB for the full list.
Vía Letterboxd – AngryTownsman